Delivering a bouquet of high-quality flowers requires the very best in customer service. This is why we have devised a rigorous and effective home delivery system.
Delivery area and timetable
We deliver bouquets from Tuesday to Saturday in Paris and the Parisian region (départements 92, 93 and 94).
You can choose from the following options:
- A morning delivery between 9am and 1pm
- An afternoon delivery between 1pm and 7pm
- A collection from our boutique during opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday – 9am to 8pm / Sunday – 9.30am to 1.30pm
Any orders placed before 5pm will be delivered on the same day.
If you wish to place an order for flower deliveries outside of our designated delivery area, please contact Maison Beaufrere on +33 (0)1 43 26 15 58.
Delivery fees
Deliveries are charged at €10 within Paris and €15 for all deliveries to the Parisian region (départements 92, 93 and 94).
Please contact us on +33 (0)1 43 26 15 58 for all other destinations
To ensure our service quality is appropriate for a delivery of high-quality flowers, we have devised a rigorous delivery system based upon the following commitments:
- Environmentally sustainable deliveries: we use an electric car, bicycle or cargo scooter when delivering large bouquets (eliminating noise pollution and CO2 emissions).
- Systematic verification of the bouquet recipient’s details: we systematically contact bouquet recipients by telephone to verify their address, contact details, building access code and availability at the scheduled delivery time. We also check any other information we need to ensure that the delivery runs smoothly.
If we are unable to contact the bouquet recipient, we reach out to the sender by email or telephone to arrange a new delivery time on the same day.
- Signature of the delivery note to confirm receipt: this document enables us to be sure that the delivery was completed in accordance with the specified conditions. Once the delivery has been completed and validated, a confirmation email is sent to the customer.
- Order tracking: you can check the status of your delivery through your account (pending or delivered).
La Maison Beaufrere,
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